ASM Advanced Game Design

Erik Brown
Miguel Cortez, Program Assistant

Meeting 5



Download (Mac/Windows/Linux)


Design team identity

Upload the following to Classrooms:

  1. Game design company name
  2. Company tagline
  3. Symbol
  4. Professional roles of each member


Possibilities for roles:

  • interaction designer / strategist
  • visual artist / animator
  • 3d artist
  • programmer
  • level designer
  • researcher
  • sound engineer / composer
  • writer / story developer


Today, after the meeting:

You will create and upload a document, detailing your game design activities this past week:

  • Online tutorials—which ones?
  • Inspiration research—what specifically did you find?
  • Concepts/plans developed
  • Things created—include screenshots, files or links


This doesn't need to be writing-intensive, but the report should have specific details.