ASM Advanced Game Design

Erik Brown
Miguel Cortez, Program Assistant

Meeting 12


MC: Christian

Tomorrow: Nathan


Schedule for this week

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
Club presentation:
Unite the Weebs
Club presentation:
Doki Doki Character Design Club
Club presentation:
Programming Gang
Club presentation:
Junior Producers Club
Club presentation:
Super Smash Scrubs
Contest brainstorming & Cutscene Day Club meeting What's on Miguel's mind...? Club meeting Showcase & Friday Report


Goal for this week:

Populating promotional websites!

Peace Island Kickstart page


Cutscene Day, cont.

Kenny: anatomy of Construct 2 animated sequence


Construct 2 Manual: using video objects in game

Custom movement behavior

Template: Camera system, cutscene & Bonus

Lerp(a, b, x) - Linear interpolation: Calculates a + x(b - a), or linearly interpolates a to b by x%. Eg. lerp(a, b, 0.25) gives the value 25% of the way from a to b

Another explanation


Club meetings


Club presentation:
Doki Doki Character Design Club




Group 2 meeting
10:00–10:45 a.m.

Andrej, Oscar, Jonathan, Mel, Andy


Serious games

— Games for a specific purpose, other than entertainment

Simulations / applied games
— reenactments of real-life activities

History of Flight Simulator

3D training simulations

Train Simulator 2019

Immersive journalism
—multi-media / gaming techniques to make a stronger connection between audience and real-life content

Project Syria

Gone Gitmo

Empathetic games
—games that help people understand unfamiliar human perspectives, or complex social situations

Extra Credits: A Question of Empathy

Third World Farmer

Papers, Please

Half the Sky

That Dragon, Cancer

Papo & Yo