Hollow EarthTwo photos based on hollow-earth conspiracies, who believe we originated from a race dwelling inside the earth, who are stealing our genetic material to create a hybrid being (a goddess).BibliographyFortean Times, 153 Jan 2002Out of the Dark, Brad Steiger, Chapter 8: "The Inner Earth: Empire of Evil", p 213 - 240 Unexplained, Jerome Clark, p 551 - 558 The Encyclopedia of Monsters, Daniel Cohen (Deros), p 195 - 196 The Ancient Race Abadonderos The Sleepers (Reptoids) Tommy Knockers Hollow Earth/Agartha LinksComprehensive Crystalinks pageAgartha: The Journey Into the Inner Earth Vril, The Power of the Coming Race Conspiracy Archive page Unmuseum: varying Hollow Earth conceptions Personal LinkJoymore exhibitDogmatic exhibit |