I really enjoy creating audio for games and creating an atmosphere that brings the level together
and can really emerge in the game.
I am very involved and contribute many ideas to my groups work. I like to keep an open communication with all of my co-workers on a professional and personal level.
I am a very big fan of FPS, third person, fighting, racing and multiplayer games. I have always
considered myself to be a very above average player in video games and gold myself to high
standards when I play competitively or even in casual matches. I like to be the best and #1. I
love competition and grinding out games. This does not just apply to shooters. This applies to
EVERY SINGLE GAME that I enjoy and can sit down and play for hours on end and not get
bored. I have recently been searching on Best Buy, Amazon and other places to purchase a
gaming pc to better my gaming experience as a controller player. (I'm never switching to mouse
and keyboard >;3). I would consider myself to be a very social, joyful, bright person although I
haven't been in quite a while doing personal things with myself, I would say that it has impacted
my gaming performance, but I'll be back to normal in no time. I do take gaming more serious
than many other things and do count it as a big part of my life. I would like to give content
creation a shot (streaming/YouTube) and see how that works out.
Official member
A picture is worth a thousand words but a song is worth a thousand pictures.