04.28.2011 in the back room of the California Clipper, Chicago

Participants: Jon Bollo, Christina Brakebill, EC Brown + Catie Olson, Chris Hefner, Pat Lehnerer, David Moré, Bruce Neal, Caroline Picard, Cole Pierce, Rob Ray, Julia Rooney, Kendrick Shackleford, Paul Shortt, Edra Soto, Bill Talsma


Photos by Catie Olson [+]
Photos by Paul Shortt [+]
Photos by Cole Pierce [>]

Principal specifications

  1. Multiples will be created, to be given freely or available for non-monetary barter.
  2. Multiples must involve recorded audio.
  3. No direct digital transfers can occur during the timeframe of the event itself.
  4. Attire shall always be elegant.

Extended specifications

Brute Nail's Cruel Etiquette, v.1 [+]

23 songs.

The first word of each will be added together to form a description of its themes (a poem, a paragraph, a haiku and a sentence etc. - punctuation can be added afterwards at the creator's discretion)

All adherents must wear a blue flower (real or homemade) on the night of the event.

Packaging should include a blue flower (marker, sticker, printed, etc).

—furnished by Bruce Neal


Weegee, [Circus acrobat Josephine Barricini distortion], 1950 Multigraph; see



Study and
Consortion Initiative, Illinois